Hello, Visitor!

   Precise Rotary Die Inc.

Your source of cutting dies and parts.                                                      Phone: 847-678-0001
Email: office@preciserotarydie.com
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Currently these job openings are available:

Job id#: 3  - CNC Machinist
CNC Mill, 3 or 4 axis , minimum 3 years experience;

Job id#: 4  - AutoCAD Designer
AutoCAD fluent user, 5 years experience;


For more info and to apply for one of these positions please send an Email at: info@PreciseRotaryDie.com

All job openings are for our plant located in Chicago, address:

9250 Ivanhoe Street
Schiller Park, IL 60176
Hours: 8am – 10pm, Monday – Friday, Central Time
Phone: (847) 678-0001
Fax: (847) 678-0082
E-Fax: (866) 243-8834
Email: info@PreciseRotaryDie.com